When you pray for something, you better be careful what you pray for, because God WILL answer it! My prayer for this particular trip was that I would grow spiritually and be stretched. I am not sure what I had in mind about the stretching part, but I really didn't think it would involve so many creatures. I love adventure, but when it tends to involve the critters that God put on our earth, I tend to stay clear. I thought I was doing really well, but last night did me in! We were on the roof of the dorm of this particular mission, and it is pitch black. (It really is a wonderful place to see the stars.) But, because it is so dark, a few people carry their flashlights around so they can see where they are going. Because I tend to be a klutz, I am one of them. I turned on my flashlight on the way down the stairs and just about stepped on a rat! Totally gave me the willies!! But then to make matters worse, the group decides to inform me of all the other creatures that are around. One gal says" oh yeah, I stayed in your room last year and there was a big centipede under my covers!", another chimes in and says that the tarantulas are horrible in that mission house and they were surprised that I hadn't seen their shadows on the wall at night. I am not sure if they thought that I would be comforted by those statements, but that was definitely NOT the case. You better believe that I searched my entire room and bed before going to sleep!! Then today we spent a couple hours at a Haitian beach. You can take a small make-shift canoe over to a little island and explore. We walked around the entire island, wading along the shore. Of course I would be the one to almost step on the crab! I won't go into the dogs that are here, for those of you who know just how much I really love dogs! I love going on these mission trips, and I want God to use me, but this particular one is definately stretching me out of my comfort zone. I told Jeremy that I didn't realize it was going to be so much like camp!! (Not that I was expecting a 5star hotel!) But as I reflect on this, I am remembering that God does not tell us that it is going to be easy, but we should still do obey! I AM willing to go!! In fact, I truly enjoy it! What a blessing to be able to interact with the people of these cultures. The joy that you receive from serving in these Third World countries makes it all worth it! However….I can't help but chuckle about all the little critters that i have seen over the past few days:-)
Isaiah 6:8 I heard the voice of the Lord say, "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?", Then I said, "Here am I, send me."
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