you the extra 15 percent. God tells us that whatever we do, we should do it as if working for the Lord, whether chores or jobs or even school. She smiled and said ok now I am 100 percent!
Then we got to go to the orphanage here on campus to see the children living there and play with them. They sang a couple songs and did 2 interpretive dances that were just amazing. Riley and Maddy and Alyssa were all crying listening to them. We did a water balloon toss which was awesome. They had never done that before! Brilliant thinking by one of our teammates. Then we just played and loved on them. Again the kids were awesome relating to these teens and young ones.
I feel like a veteran for sure now. When one of the three main leaders aren't around, people look to me for guidance. I had to come up with a song and lead us at the children's home (Amazing Grace) and then lead the water balloon toss. I felt like i was at camp!! Then I took a team of about 20 out into the community to see the city and go down to the ocean. We had a fun time taking pictures and interacting with the Haitian people of Grand Goave.
Have I mentioned I love coming here? The team consists of 48 people. Maybe 15 newbies and a lot of old timers. I don't see many of these people for a whole year, but when we get here we are like best friends and pick up right where we left off from last year. Everyone works so well together and it is just a joy to serve alongside such wonderful people. I am truly thankful for this opportunity and would invite any of you all to come along! Be careful though, because Charlotte and Denise brought Thomas and Scott and are hooked, have sponsor children, and are building them houses!
One more thing... one of my favorite parts from yesterday. I told you we had water balloons for a water balloon toss with the kids at the children's home. They put me on charge which is never a good idea. But I have a loud voice (sorry Jaime) and I am kind of fun! So I had each Haitian kid pick an American to be their partner. Then we tossed. It was hilarious. Pics to follow later.
After the toss we had balloons left over. I brought them to the middle of the field and started talking. We had a translator there helping us and if you have ever had to translate something you know how long it takes and how you stop your sentences in the right place to make it dramatic! Well most of the team knows me well enough to see what was coming and I could see them retreating to the back. When I announced to the Haitian kids that now they needed to take the remaining water balloons and throw them at the Americans, the squeals and screams were hilarious!! What a great memory! You will have to ask your kids about it. Riley and her partner were one of the two winners of the toss!! And then her partner chased her to throw the next balloon at her!! That's gratitude and an instant bond!!
Totaling picturing you do all of this! Praying for your team this week. God Bless you all!!